In TTR, all transaction details are recorded on the blockchain, so they can be confirmed transparently, and through blockchain technology,
provides a high level of security. Provides:

As you are active in apps such as Newstong, Searchtong, and Sotong,
TTR points are provided, and TTR can be exchanged for TTCO or TTC.
Points can be used to provide discount benefits or product exchange

It is exchanged 1:1 with the Tomato Group virtual asset TTC.

Where you can receive TTR points

  • News Tong

    You can quickly and easily check the news you want with AI customized news analyzed according to user preferences. Receive TTR while watching AI news.

  • Search Tong

    Search tong maintains a high panel response rate through a survey compensation system.
    Receive the statistical analysis service provided by Media Tomato for the 4 major regular opinion polls and receive
    TTR together.

  • So Tong

    An expert in your hands in the metaverse! Communicate with industry expert masters and receive TTR through access time.